Mainly protein
Mealworms are small insects that consists of mainly protein and fat. They can feed on organic residual streams and use barely any land or water.
Chitin from skins
While growing they shed their skin, which contains chitin. This chitin ends up in the fertilizer.
Cycle stages
Mealworms go through a life cycle consisting of four stages: egg, larva (mealworm), pupa, and adult beetle. The larvae stage is the end product at the farm.
Beetle lay the eggs which hatch into the mealworm larva. They get the same feed as the mealworm but get their water from carrots. When eggs production stops the beetles are processed to be used as birdfeed.
What is happening at Winsect, in the world of mealworms or organic fertilizers.
Chitin is the main content mealworm skin sheddings.
The mealworms eat these skins. As a result, the chitin from the skins ends up whitin the manure as fine particles, giving it great benefits as fertilizer, such as soil bacteria stimulant and natural plant protection.